Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I love Christmas and love to put up my tree and the decorations, this year is the first year i didnt put all my decorations on, but i still like it, had alot of help from chelsi and here and i did the outside lights, we still have 4 little stockings :)lol the rule is you have to be married to have a big sock...unless your McKynna :) lol, so Preston(Courtney-his GF) and Chelsi and Taylor still have to wait.....


..........well it has been awhile since i updated so here goes.......i was sick the entire month of Oct. didnt get to see my oldest bro. and nephews when they were here cuz i was so sick, lost my voice to about 2wks (im sure my family was glad:) lol)finally got better and went back to work the 2nd week of Nov......had thanksgiving at my parents with Darrell, Ashlee and Talin, we love it when they are here, Johnny, Laura and there kids and his neighbors and ate till we were stuffed and then some lol....came home put up our tree and started watching Christmas movies....1wk ago went to the ER with Chelsi, she was in a stunt(cheer) and got dropped and hurt her elbow and we still dont know what wrong with it(gotta love safford), yesterday took Taylor to the DR cuz in 1st hour he pulled the muscles in his (R) i think from Oct. to now we must have paid for at least 1 of our DR house or car is never boring at the WALKERS........